European Sport Day. 22-3-12

27 may 2012

Pinfuvote: Dos Hermanas Tournament

The Pinfuvote is a game which is promote in Dos Hermanas because the creator is a teacher from Dos Hermanas.
Our school and mostly our PE Teacher, Jose Luis, took it to our Comenius Project because he found in this sport a really good tool to work the cooperation, integration, coeducation... through the physical education.

Our school presented it to the comenius partners like an example of integrator game.

With this idea, our school created a team in primary school and they started to training... Jose Luis did a good job!! He have now a really big group of students and families who are Pinfuvote lovers.

This weekend was the primary tournament in Dos Hermanas with several teams from differents schools, and we presented two teams... and after have fun, smile and really good moments... they got be winners!!!

Both teams were first and second in the tournament... They were there to have fun and enjoy and  I think it was the secret to be the two best teams...

Congratulations to our students... and specially to Jose Luis, he have done a incredible job (and these words are not related with the position in the tournament)

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